Reliable, easy-to-use solutions that get you paid

50+ Customers

Premium Customised Credit Management Solutions

Personal Account Manager

Additional Reporting

Premium Features

Invoiced Billing


Receive 24×7 financial monitoring of all your customers, plus 5 credit reports per month 

/ Month

14 day trial, all features

For Businesses with up to 50 customers.


Receive 24×7 financial monitoring of all your customers, plus 4 credit reports per month 

/ Month

14 day trial, all features

For Businesses with up to 20 customers.


Receive 24×7 financial monitoring of all your customers, plus 2 credit reports per month 

/ Month

14 day trial, all features

For Businesses with up to 10 customers.

“CreditorWatch has ended up paying for itself. Now we don’t have to take debtors to court, and we don’t have to waste work time and hourly rates by sitting in a courthouse, waiting to be heard.”

— Helen, Ward Packaging

Got questions?

Before doing business with a new customer, you should check their credit report to help you determine their credit limit, maximum invoice amount, and whether you require payment upfront from them in order to minimise your risk and ensure you’ll be paid.

When you add customers to your watchlist, CreditorWatch will monitor the financial health of those customers 24/7 for any changes that might impact your business, such as late payments to other suppliers or going into administration. You will receive a real-time alert via email when these changes occur.

Changes can occur to any business, so monitoring customers that you regularly invoice will allow you to update your payment terms for any particular customer as their risk level changes.

Yes, you can change your current plan easily from your account settings.

Yes, you can do so within your account or by contacting us at

Still have questions?