Fast, secure, accurate biometric identity verification

Protecting your business while maintaining excellent customer experience is a delicate balance. SmartID helps you verify that your customers are exactly who they say they are, helping you prevent fraud and fulfil compliance requirements.
Face Verification

Protecting Your Business

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What is SmartID?

SmartID quickly and accurately verifies identities electronically using accurate government data sources, biometrics verification and liveness checks so you can onboard customers faster while protecting your business and customers.

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Saving You Time
and Money

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Conduct Business with Confidence

Fast & Accurate Verification

Verification is completed in just seconds so you can onboard your trusted customers faster.
Prevent Identity fraud

Fraud Detection & Prevention

From fake licenses to identity takeovers, fraudsters are becoming smarter and more sophisticated than ever. SmartID has the right tools to ensure you can.
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Customer Onboarding Simplified

KYC & AML/CTF Compliance

Built-in, identity verification and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) screening options can be configured according to your business and compliance requirements.
Man smiling on the phone

Know Your

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