Wholesale Trade & Retail
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Manassen Foods

A match made in heaven for one of Australia’s largest food importers: CreditorWatch’s credit risk alert features and ApplyEasy.
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About Manassen Foods

Manassen Foods is one of Australia’s top 40 food suppliers, bringing a tantalising range of imported and local food brands to retailers and households across the country.

Established in 1953, Manassen Foods has built an impressive portfolio of brands across categories including health foods, beverages, confectionary and chilled goods.

You might be familiar with some of their consumer favourites like Sunbeam, Wokka, Babybel, Yorkshire Tea and Nuttelex.

The business imports from 30 international ports in 25 different countries and boasts distribution centres in five of Australia’s capital cities. Learn more about Manassen Foods’ coverage and capabilities here.

Their Problem

Managing thousands of customers brings a variety of challenges to a credit team, including not being able to mitigate the risk of such a large amount of businesses.

Manassen Foods wanted to prevent customer errors in their credit application process that was taking up valuable time and resources.

The team were also finding out about adverse risks to do with their clients much later in the onboarding process, which had potential negative cash flow effects.

Sue and her credit team at Manassen Foods teamed up with CreditorWatch and ApplyEasy to do their due diligence and fast-track the frustrating process of receiving credit applications.

“A once frustrating and slow process has turned into one that is efficient and effective for both our sales and our credit team.” – Sue, Manassen Foods

Our Solution

By integrating CreditorWatch’s monitoring and credit risk alert tools with ApplyEasy, Sue has been able to make more informed customer decisions and speed up the internal processes at Manassen Foods.

The team find out risky information, like payment defaults and cross directorships, before dealing with a customer.

And, once deciding to take on a new client, ApplyEasy has improved the overall onboarding experience.

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