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Credit Report

Summary Information

ABN 11 000 016 722
Registered Date
Entity Status Active
Entity Type Australian Public Company
GST Status Registered for GST (from 01-07-2000)
ABN Last Updated 05-09-2024
ACN 000 016 722
Registered Date 07-07-1926
Next Review Date 05-11-2024
Status Registered
Company Type Australian Public Company
Class Limited By Shares
Regulator Australian Securities & Investments Commission
Previous State Number NSW 01030031

ASIC Data - Directors / Addresses / Shareholdings

Search for information on a company, and identify directors with a history of running failed entities.

  • Director Details - Addresses & Date of Birth*
  • Cross Directorships*
  • Shareholders and Share Structure*
  • Company Addresses*
  • Company Status*

Risk Data

Recognise high risk indicators that could impact a company's ability to pay your invoices.

  • Payment defaults
  • Court actions
  • Insolvency notices
  • Mercantile (debt collection) enquiries
  • Critical ASIC documents

Credit Score

Safeguard trading decisions using statistically based credit scores to determine the level of risk associated with an entity.

  • Instant credit risk rating
  • Suggested trading recommendation
  • 12-month historical score

Payment Predictor

See how individual companies pay other suppliers to predict how they will pay you

  • 12-month historical trend
  • Payment insights
  • Credit exposure
  • Overdue amounts


Automated customer risk monitoring will alert you when a customer's circumstances changes. Alerts cover adverse changes such as payment defaults, court actions, director changes, financial distress and administrator appointments.

  • Respond to changes quickly
  • Add and remove customers as required
  • Receive alerts as they happen, 24/7

Historical Timeline

Identify positive and negative behavioural trends by reviewing an entity's historical timeline, detailing events from the registration date to present day.

Business Names

A registered business name is a trading name under which a person or entity carries on business or trades. A business name extract enables you to identify the entity carrying on a business under a business name and it's contact details.

101 Business Names

Insurance Australia LimitedRegistered Name (Current)ASIC
Nrma Insurance LtdMain Trading Name (Current)ABR
Nrma Insurance Ltd-workers CompensationOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Rollin' InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Cgu Workers CompensationBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Safer JourneysBusiness Name (Current)ABR Name (Current)ABR
Pounce Pet InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Bitsy CoverBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Airport BuddyBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Warrante-link Warranty SolutionsBusiness Name (Current)ABR
""wesfarmers Federation Insurance""Business Name (Current)ABR
Aim Dealer ServicesBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Aim InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
AssuremeBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Australian Union AssuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
C G U InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
C G U Professional Risks InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
C G U Trade Credit InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
C G U Travel InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Cgu AdvantageBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Cgu Cyber DefenceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Cgu Home Warranty InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Cgu InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Cgu Professional Risks InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Cgu Trade Credit InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Cgu Travel InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
DairypolBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Grain Farmers Crop Insurance AgencyBusiness Name (Current)ABR
GrainpolBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Iag Re AustraliaBusiness Name (Current)ABR
KwikinsureBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Lumley ConnectBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Lumley General InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Lumley Marine & LogisticsBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Lumley OnlineBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Lumley Retail WarrantyBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Lumley Special VehiclesBusiness Name (Current)ABR
MetroriderBusiness Name (Current)ABR
MotorassistBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Mums & CompanyBusiness Name (Current)ABR Name (Current)ABR
Prestige Boat InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Prestige Home InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Quick InsureBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Swann InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
The United Insurance CoBusiness Name (Current)ABR
The United Insurance CompanyBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Vacc InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Vacc Rural InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
WarrantyassistBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Wesfarmers Federation InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
WfiBusiness Name (Current)ABR
'wfi'Business Name (Current)ABR
YourinsurancegroupBusiness Name (Current)ABR Name (Current)ABR Name (Current)ABR
Insurance 4 ThatBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Insurance For ThatBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Sharecover EnterprisesBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Iag InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Sgi InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
InsureliteBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Nrma SecurityBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Sgic InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Nrma Home SecurityBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Sgio InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Sgio Home SecurityBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Sgic Home SecurityBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Nrma InsuranceBusiness Name (Current)ABR
SgicBusiness Name (Current)ABR
SgioBusiness Name (Current)ABR
UpcasaBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
LioncareBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Lumley GeneralBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Lumley InsuranceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Nzi InsuranceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Prestige Car InsuranceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Pacific IndemnityBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
BuddycoverBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Poncho InsuranceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Sgi AustraliaBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Sharing NavigatorBusiness Name (Historical)ABR Name (Historical)ABR
Sgio SecurityBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Sgic SecurityBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Motor Trade DirectBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
The Buzz InsuranceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Cgu Self Insurance ServicesBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Cgu Safety And Risk ServicesBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Cgu Saftey And Risk ServicesBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Circle InsuranceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Sgio Business InsuranceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Sgio HealthBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Sgic HealthBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Nrma CarmartBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Nrma Car Buying ServiceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Nrma Home AssistanceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Nrma Financial ServicesBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Nrma World AssistBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Ostrich InsuranceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR

How well do you know your customers?

Trade with confidence and reduce credit risk by reviewing your customers and prospects today.