Main Name | A & C DANG PTY LTD |
ABN | 59 103 355 193 |
Registered Date | 13-01-2003 |
Entity Status | Active |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company |
GST Status | Registered for GST (from 13-01-2003) |
ABN Last Updated | 22-11-2022 |
Name | A & C DANG PTY LTD |
ACN | 103 355 193 |
Registered Date | 13-01-2003 |
Next Review Date | 13-01-2026 |
Status | Registered |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company |
Class | Limited By Shares |
Regulator | Australian Securities & Investments Commission |
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Search for information on a company, and identify directors with a history of running failed entities.
Recognise high risk indicators that could impact a company’s ability to pay your invoices.
Safeguard trading decisions using statistically based credit scores to determine the level of risk associated with an entity.
See how individual companies pay other suppliers to predict how they will pay you.
Automated customer risk monitoring will alert you when a customer’s circumstances changes. Alerts cover adverse changes such as payment defaults, court actions, director changes, financial distress and administrator appointments.
Identify positive and negative behavioural trends by reviewing an entity’s historical timeline, detailing events from the registration date to present day.
A registered business name is a trading name under which a person or entity carries on business or trades.
A business name extract enables you to identify the entity carrying on a business under a business name and it’s contact details.
Name | Type | Source |
A & C DANG PTY LTD | Main Name (Current) | ABR |
A & C DANG PTY LTD | Main Trading Name (Current) | ABR |
HOA TRAN CAFE RESTAURANT | Business Name (Current) | ABR |
HOA TRAN CAFE RESTAURANT | Business Name (Historical) | ABR |
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