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Credit Report

Summary Information

ABN 73 142 855 301
Registered Date
Entity Status Active
Entity Type Australian Private Company
GST Status Not currently registered for GST
ABN Last Updated 13-03-2021
ACN 142 855 301
Registered Date 29-03-2010
Next Review Date 29-03-2025
Status Registered
Company Type Australian Proprietary Company
Class Limited By Shares
Regulator Australian Securities & Investments Commission

ASIC Data - Directors / Addresses / Shareholdings

Search for information on a company, and identify directors with a history of running failed entities.

  • Director Details - Addresses & Date of Birth*
  • Cross Directorships*
  • Shareholders and Share Structure*
  • Company Addresses*
  • Company Status*

Risk Data

Recognise high risk indicators that could impact a company's ability to pay your invoices.

  • Payment defaults
  • Court actions
  • Insolvency notices
  • Mercantile (debt collection) enquiries
  • Critical ASIC documents

Credit Score

Safeguard trading decisions using statistically based credit scores to determine the level of risk associated with an entity.

  • Instant credit risk rating
  • Suggested trading recommendation
  • 12-month historical score

Payment Predictor

See how individual companies pay other suppliers to predict how they will pay you

  • 12-month historical trend
  • Payment insights
  • Credit exposure
  • Overdue amounts


Automated customer risk monitoring will alert you when a customer's circumstances changes. Alerts cover adverse changes such as payment defaults, court actions, director changes, financial distress and administrator appointments.

  • Respond to changes quickly
  • Add and remove customers as required
  • Receive alerts as they happen, 24/7

Historical Timeline

Identify positive and negative behavioural trends by reviewing an entity's historical timeline, detailing events from the registration date to present day.

Business Names

A registered business name is a trading name under which a person or entity carries on business or trades. A business name extract enables you to identify the entity carrying on a business under a business name and it's contact details.

194 Business Names

Name Media Pty LtdRegistered Name (Current)ASIC
Above AllOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
AheadOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
AthleticOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Customer SolutionsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DhvOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DocumentationOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Early BirdOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Energy Efficiency AustraliaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
EspressoOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
EurekaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FudgeOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Full HouseOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FwOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
GrangerOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
InstinctiveOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
IsupplyOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Jumping JackOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MathiasOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MpfOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
New WaveOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
NutOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
OakvilleOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
OrpOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ParityOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
PepesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Piece Of MindOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
PlcOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
PreferredOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
RogerOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
RusticOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Simple LifeOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
SmnOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
SnazzyOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Sunburnt CountryOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ValsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
WoodpeckersOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
World NewsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
EtpOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
HfrOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
LaminatorOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
RrbOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Treasury WineOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Treasury WinesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
247 SecurityOther Trading Name (Current)ABR Trading Name (Current)ABR
AdhereOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
AlbatrossOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
AllambieOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
AllyOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
AngelicOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ArenaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Asia PacificOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
AttainOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Australian EssentialsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Beauty StoreOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Bedtime StoriesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Big BearOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Blue ThunderOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
BountifulOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
BowlingOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
BoydOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
BrewingOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CalabroOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CalmingOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CapriccioOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CapsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CarmenOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CfaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ChampsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CinderellaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Confident SmileOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CossackOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CreamyOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
CtvOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DarrellOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DenimOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DerrynOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Domain VenturesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DomusOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DramaticOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DroOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
DvuOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
EhwOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ErgOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ErnstOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Ever MoreOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
EwOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FatOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FdwOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Fine CoffeeOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FinnOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Fit FlopsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FjmOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FkfOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Four CornersOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FtOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FtmOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
FuchsiaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
GlareOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
GrandeurOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
GrecoOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
GreenerOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
GynOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Herbal RemediesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
High CalibreOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
HighgroveOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
HitchOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
House Of PainOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
HuckleberryOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
HwsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
IcreationsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
IflowerOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ImmenseOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ImoneyOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
InternalOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
InwOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
IstuffOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
IsuOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
ItfOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
JayneOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
JoyousOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
JpmOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
JuventusOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
KalamataOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
KevinsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
La BellaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
LdpOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
LechaimOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
LeonaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
LezOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Life Is BeautifulOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MareeOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Marine ServicesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
McfOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MikOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MitzvahOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Money For JamOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Money For NothingOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MrrOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MtkOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MtmOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
MutOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Navy BlueOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
NbrOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Niche MarketOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
NobOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
NoiOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
NsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Nu LifeOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
OliversOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
OptOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
OpvOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Pacific InternationalOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
PellegrinoOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
PeregrineOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Pet SuppliesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Pink ElephantOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
PowersafeOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Premier SportsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Prestige HireOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Purple HazeOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
RbnOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
RdcOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
RdvOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Red EarthOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
RobustOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
SameOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
SidneyOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
SloaneOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Specialised ServicesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Status QuoOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Studio 54Other Trading Name (Current)ABR
Sweet PeaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
SymbolOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
TalentOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Top DropOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
TuckOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
UreOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
VeraOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
VffOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Vodka BarOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
WalnutOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
White CollarOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
World EnergyOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
WrkOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
WroOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Ying YangOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Start Business & Financial AdvisorsBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Internet TvBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Garden Shed SuppliesBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Colombo's CoffeeBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Redearth ItBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Various Artists InternationalBusiness Name (Historical)ABR

How well do you know your customers?

Trade with confidence and reduce credit risk by reviewing your customers and prospects today.