Powerful insights

Check payment ratings and histories

Payment Rating and Payment Predictor are both contained within CreditorWatch’s credit reports.

Business woman looking at coworker

Comprehensive Customer Reporting

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As easy as ABCDE

We shine the light on
slow-paying businesses

Our Payment Rating tool scans B2B transactions to measure the time it takes companies to pay suppliers. Payment Rating also helps you understand your client’s payment reliability based on their past behaviour, using a simple ABCDE rating scale.

Three Reports

Sophisticated Reporting Results

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Identify Companies Beneficial Owner

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Avoid slow-paying businesses

Compare a business' payment history to the industry

Payment Predictor allows you to track an entity’s payment habits over the past 12 months in relation to the industry. If they are slower than the industry, it’s a good indication that this entity may be a slow-paying debtor. Late payment invoices or deteriorating payment behaviour is a leading indicator of credit risk. Having this information lets you address it with them immediately or, if they’re a prospective client, avoid them and mitigate the risk to your business.

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