CreditorWatch Author

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Published articles

Piggy bank floating in water

Managing uncertainty with 24/7 monitoring and real-time alerts

Credit ManagementCreditorWatch

Five Benefits of 24/7 Monitoring and Real-Time Alerts

Emma Berry
Business InsightsCreditorWatch

How manufacturing businesses can prevent bad debt

Payment overdue
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

How logistics companies can speed up debt collection

Michael Wang
CrewWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Michael Wang - Data Science Manager

Industry Synopsis - Business Risk Index
Business Risk IndexChief Economist

‘Perfect economic storm’ means the end is nigh for struggling Aussie businesses

helping hands

What Causes Bad Debt?

Chief Economist
CreditorWatchEconomic Snapshot

Wage Price Index and Westpac Consumer Sentiment

EOFY Survival Guide 2022
CreditorWatchEnd of Financial Year

EOFY Survival Guide 2022

Business InsightsDebt Collection

Simplifying the Debt Collection Process

Chief Economist

RBA increases cash rate to 0.85 per cent

Australian Securities & Investments Commission

Director ID: Tips to help your director clients get their ID online

Good/Bad Credit
Credit ReportsCredit Risk

How to manage credit risk in the construction industry

Chief Economist
Business InsightsCredit Reports

Unemployment steady at 3.9% but no signs of wages growth

Good/Bad Credit
Cash FlowCreditorWatch

How sole traders can use data to power their businesses

two men shaking hands with a small toy house in the background

A guide to using property and land title reports

How automation has enhanced credit risk management
AutomationCredit Management

How automation has enhanced credit risk management

Business Risk Index - Industry Synopsis
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

BRI April 2022 - Industry Insights

Business Risk Index Media Release
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

Economy at turning point as positive trends continue; Grim outlook for flood-affected regions

Inflation - the dark and stormy cloud

Inflation - the dark and stormy cloud

Understanding Business Credit Reports
Credit ReportsCreditorWatch

Understanding Business Credit Reports

Economic update with Anneke Thompson - Chief Economist CreditorWatch
Economic Snapshot

Economic Snapshot Update

CreditorWatch Budget 2022
Economic Snapshot

Federal Budget: innovation agenda will drive future spending

Everything you need to know about the new mandatory Director IDs

Everything you need to know about the new mandatory Director IDs

How to protect your cash flow and get paid faster
Cash FlowCreditorWatch

How to protect your cash flow and get paid faster

Going deep on customer due diligence with Infotrack searches

Going deep on customer due diligence with Infotrack searches

Business Risk Index Media Release
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

Trade activity up for now but flood impact looming; Construction sector confronts deep issues

What can subcontractors do if a builder enters voluntary administration?

What can subcontractors do if a builder enters voluntary administration?

An introduction to Financial Risk Assessment
Credit ManagementCreditorWatch

An Introduction to Financial Risk Assessments

How credit scores help businesses manage the impact of Omicron
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

How credit scores help businesses manage the impacts of Omicron

Chief Economist Harley Dale
CreditorWatchEconomic Snapshot

Harley's Economic Update

7 reasons why small businesses should use accounting software
CreditorWatchRisk Management

Seven reasons why small businesses should use accounting software

Chief Economist Harley Dale
CreditorWatchEconomic Snapshot

Harley's Economic Snapshot - February

CreditorWatch Business Risk Index Industry Synopsis
Business Risk IndexCOVID-19

Industry Synopsis for CreditorWatch’s January 2022 Business Risk Index

CreditorWatch 10 Million Credit Reports
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

Insolvencies to rise across 2022; Trade receivables down 45% on same qtr last year; court actions jump 58%

How to take your credit checks to the next level
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

How to take your credit checks to the next level

Why you should register payment defaults in 2022
CreditorWatchPayment Defaults

Why you should register payment defaults in 2022

Preparing your business for the challenges of Omicron
Credit ManagementCreditorWatch

Preparing your business for the challenges of Omicron

How can you know which companies to do business with?
AutomationCredit Risk

How can you know which companies to do business with?

The master of predictive data models
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

The master of predictive data models

Business Risk Index Media Release
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

CreditorWatch data: Santa went missing! But Newcastle and Perth best improving cities

Why Omicron has increased your need for automated customer onboarding

Why Omicron has increased your need for automated customer onboarding

Big machines, big challenges: wrangling the risks of the mining, agriculture and construction industries

Big machines, big challenges: wrangling the risks of the mining, agriculture, and construction industries

How to cleanse your data to reduce credit risk this holiday season
CreditorWatchPortfolio Health Check

How to cleanse your data to reduce credit risk this holiday season

Talking Tech: How to build a business risk index, part 4
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

Talking Tech: How to build a Business Risk Index, Part 4

Talking Tech: How to build a business risk index, part 3
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

Talking Tech: How to build a Business Risk Index, Part 3

Business Risk Index Media Release
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

CreditorWatch data: Recovery to take longer than expected; Perth and Brisbane bouncing back quickest

CreditorWatch 10 Million Credit Reports
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

Industry Synopsis for CreditorWatch's November 2021 Business Risk Index

Food wholesalers hit by supply chain disruptions and risk fro hospitality businesses

Food wholesalers hit by supply chain disruptions and risk from hospitality businesses

Tips and tricks for streamlining the business credit application process
CreditorWatchRisk Management

Tips and Tricks for streamlining the business credit application process

Talking tech: How to build a business risk index (Part 2)
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

Talking Tech: How to build a Business Risk Index, Part 2

Business Risk Index Media Release
Business Risk IndexCOVID-19

CreditorWatch data: Regional Victorian businesses poised for strong recovery while Melbourne metro continues to struggle

CreditorWatch 10 Million Credit Reports
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

Lockdown no impediment to business performance in regional Victoria, however, Melbourne metro continues to struggle

Gain confidence to resume trading as restrictions ease across Australia
Credit ManagementCreditorWatch

Gain confidence to resume trading as restrictions ease across Australia

Meet the crew - Peter Krilic

Meet the Crew - Peter Krilic

Construction booming but challenges abound for the industry

Construction booming but challenges abound for the industry

Your business might be COVID-safe, but is it credit safe?
Credit ManagementCredit Risk

Your business might be COVID-safe, but is it credit safe?

CreditorWatch Board of Directors

CreditorWatch announces formation of Board of Directors

How billions of datapoints became a Business Risk Index
Business Risk IndexData

How billions of datapoints became a Business Risk Index

Business Risk Index
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

CreditorWatch launches Australian-first Business Risk Index

Business Risk Index
Business Risk IndexCreditorWatch

The CreditorWatch Business Risk Index: Australia's most incisive leading indicator of business risk

CreditorWatch appoints ex-Olympian as Head of people and culture

CreditorWatch appoints ex-Olympian as Head of People & Culture

Business Risk Review - August 2021
Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Business Risk Review - August 2021

'While you were sleeping' - Do you really know and understand the financial health of your best customers?
CreditorWatchProduct Updates

While you Were Sleeping

Why does the new Payment Times Reporting Scheme mean for your business?
CreditorWatchRisk Management

What does the new Payment Times Reporting Scheme mean for your business?

2021 EOFY Economic Road Ahead Survey Results
CreditorWatchEnd of Financial Year

Economic Road Ahead EOFY Survey Results - Media Release

Business Risk Review - July 2021
Business Risk ReviewCOVID-19

Business Risk Review - July 2021

Economic Road Ahead EOFY Playbook 2021/22
CreditorWatchEnd of Financial Year

Business Confidence Critical for Trade Credit: New Research

Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Business Risk Review: June 2021

PAYMENT RATING - Our latest data driving tool
Credit ManagementCredit Risk

CreditorWatch Payment Rating

Credit Risk Technology
AutomationCredit Reports

Maintaining Business Performance by Skilfully Implementing Automation

Business risk review - May 2021
Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Business Risk Review: May 2021

Ross Lambie's Economic Outook

Can the Federal Government Pull Off the Economic Miracle It’s Hoping For?

Arun Meet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Arun Baghel

The PSR protection education hub
Credit ManagementCredit Risk

PPSR Protection Education Hub

A laptop screen displaying a 'Log in' screen
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

The Six Big Benefits of the PPSR

Collection Teams - Upskilling and overcoming challenges
Cash FlowCOVID-19

Collection Teams: Upskilling to Overcome Current Challenges

Business Risk Review - April 2021
Business Risk ReviewCOVID-19

Budget and Business Risk Review (BRI): April 2021

phoenixing: the rise of director due diligence
ATOCredit Risk

Phoenixing: The Rise of Director Due Diligence

SME Solutions
Credit ManagementCreditorWatch

Small Business Solutions: Debt Prevention and Management

Latest CreditorWatch Product Developments
Credit ManagementCredit Risk

Latest CreditorWatch Product Developments

Strategies to reduce supply chain risk
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

Strategies to Reduce Supply Chain Risk: Lessons from the Pandemic

Meet the Crew - Brendan
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Brendan Sherry

JobKeeper Ends - 28 March

JobKeeper Ends on 28 March 2021

The grasshopper effect: supplier hopping
COVID-19Credit Risk

The Grasshopper Effect: How to Recognise and Prevent Supplier Hopping

Celebrating Internationals Women's Day
CreditorWatchInternational Women's Day

International Women's Day: CreditorWatch Brisbane Event

B2B Sales Strategy
Cash FlowCOVID-19

B2B Sales Strategy: The Evolution Post-Pandemic

Celebrating Internationals Women's Day
CreditorWatchInternational Women's Day

International Women's Day: CreditorWatch Melbourne Event

Business risk review - February 2021
Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Business Risk Review (BRI): February 2021

Celebrating Internationals Women's Day
Charity and CommunityCreditorWatch

International Women's Day: CreditorWatch Sydney Event

Caroline - Meet the Crew
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Caroline Smith

Accountants for SMEs

Accountants for Small Business: Value Beyond the Numbers

Business Risk Review January 2021
Business Risk ReviewCOVID-19

Business Risk Review (BRI): January 2021

Lending Insights
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

Lending Insights: Helping Lenders Prevent Loan Stacking

SME Insolvency Reforms

Navigating Temporary Restructuring Relief During 2021

Business Risk Review - December 2020
Business Risk ReviewCOVID-19

Business Risk Review (BRI): December 2020

Business Risk Review - November 2020
Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Business Risk Review (BRI): November 2020

Business Risk review - October 2020
Business Risk ReviewCOVID-19

Business Risk Review (BRI): October 2020

CreditorWatch RiskScore - Taking the risk out of commercial credit management
Credit ReportsCredit Risk

Taking the Risk out of Commercial Credit Management

Header: Improve cash flow by retaining your debtors

Thinking Big and Driving Change During COVID-19

Business Risk Review - September 2020
Business Risk ReviewCredit Risk

September 2020: Early Signs of Stabilisation in the Australian Economy

Small Business Risk Review August 2020
AdministrationBusiness Risk Review

Zombie Companies Continue to Hide Under Safe Harbour

Set the Course: Navigating a way out of the temporary insolvency measures

Set the Course: Navigating a Way Out of the Temporary Insolvency Measures

COVID-19Credit Risk

Leveraging Trade Payment Data in the COVID-Impacted Economy

Small business risk review July 2020
Business Risk ReviewCOVID-19

CreditorWatch Data Suggests Small Business Recovery

Credit Risk Technology
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

Credit Risk Technology: The Benefits of Automation

Commercial Real-Estate and Covid-19
COVID-19Credit Management

Commercial Real Estate and COVID-19: Strategies for Success

Meet the crew: Danny O'Neil
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Danny O'Neill

Industry Analysis - SBRR Q2 2020
Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Business Risk Review Q2 2020: Industry Analysis

Small business risk review june 2020
Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Zombie Companies Multiply as Payment Times Blow Out

Meet the crew - Alberto Cubeddu
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Alberto Cubeddu

Retail Industry - Small Business Risk Review Q4 2019
Credit ReportsCreditorWatch

New and Improved: Downloadable Credit Report PDFs

Slow Paying Clients? Not On Our Watch
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

Adverse Cross Directorships: Mitigating Director Risk

How to get debtors to pay
Cash FlowCOVID-19

How to Get Debtors to Pay During COVID-19

The post-september economy
Business Risk ReviewCOVID-19

The Post-September Economy

Zombie Companies - how to protect your business

Zombie Companies: Is Your Business Under Threat from the Corporate Walking Dead?

Meet the crew: George Wolf - QLD Sales Manager
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: George Wolf

How to reduce the risk of bad debt
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

Company Financial Statements: Identifying Signs of Business Failure

What we've learnt from the Lockdown

CrewTalk: What We've Learnt From the Lockdown

How to reduce the risk of bad debt
API IntegrationApplyEasy

Keep Your Business Running in COVID-19 with Electronic Acceptance

PPSR and SMEs An introduction to protecting your small business
Cash FlowCOVID-19

Customer Risk Management During COVID-19: DebtorLogic

2019: A year in review
Business Risk ReviewCOVID-19

Business Risk Review: Quarter 1 2020

2019: A year in review
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Lucinda Judd

CreditorWatch Risk Score

PPSR: Frequently Asked Questions

Credit ReportsDebt Collection

Payment Defaults: The Provocative Tool That Works

Using ApplyEasy to Streamline Credit Applications

Q&A: Debunking COVID-19 Creditor Myths

Modernising business registers and direct identification numbers
ABR (Australian Business Review)ASIC

Modernising Business Registers and Director Identification Numbers (DINs)


PPSRLogic: Simplify Your PPSR Registrations

Small Business Risk Review August 2020

Meet the Crew: Staying Home and Staying Happy

Credit RiskCreditorWatch

CreditorWatch's Unique Data

Meet the crew - Alberto Cubeddu
Credit ManagementCredit Reports

How to Improve Your Credit Score

Credit Risk Technology - The benefits of automation
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Luke Matthews

Small business risk review July 2020
Cash FlowCOVID-19

Coronavirus and Economic Uncertainty: How to Protect Your Business

Commercial Real-Estate and Covid-19

Hats Off to Trusts - A Video Guide to Trusts

How to avoid the Preference Payment trap
Charity and CommunityCreditorWatch

International Women's Day 2020 and Dignity Drive

Data cleansing and portfolio health checks
Credit ManagementCredit Risk

The Importance of Data Cleansing and a Credit Portfolio Health Check

Meet the crew: Danny O'Neil
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Leanne Penza

Slow Paying Clients? Not On Our Watch
Cash FlowCredit Management

Slow Paying Clients? Not On Our Watch

How to get debtors to pay
Credit ReportsSmall Business

Credit Reports: Top 10 Questions from Small Business

Retail Industry - Small Business Risk Review Q4 2019
Business Risk ReviewNews

Australian Retail Industry: Small Business Risk Review Q4 2019

Organise your Accounts Receivables
CreditorWatchMeet the Crew

Meet the Crew: Hilbert Klaster

Zombie Companies - how to protect your business
Case StudyPPSR and PPSA

Case Study with Prospa: PPSRLogic

Small Business Risk Review Q4
Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Small Business Risk Review Q4, 2019

How to reduce the risk of bad debt
Credit ManagementCredit Risk

How to Reduce the Risk of Bad Debt

CrewWatch Episode 6

CrewWatch Episode 6: Our Inclusive and Unique Culture

PPSR and SMEs An introduction to protecting your small business
CreditorWatchPPSR and PPSA

PPSR and SMEs: An Introduction to Protecting Your Small Business

Our New DebtorLogic More features, more data
Cash FlowCredit Risk

Our NEW DebtorLogic: More Features, More Data

CrewWatch Episode 5

CrewWatch Episode 5: Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

2019 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

Industry Insights Quarter 3, 2019
Business Risk ReviewSmall Business

Industry Insights Quarter 3, 2019: Construction remains the worst performing industry but others catch up

small business risk review quarter 3, 2019
Business Risk ReviewCredit Risk

Small Business Risk Review Quarter 3, 2019: Topsy-turvy business conditions endure

Get Capital API Integration
API IntegrationAutomation

Case Study: Best in Class Customer Origination Experience with API Integration

CrewWatch Episode 3

CrewWatch Episode 3: Behind the Scenes of Our Dev Team

CreditorWatch ABA100 Award Business Technology - PPSR Logic

PPSRLogic wins CreditorWatch ABA100 Award in Business Technology Category

Small Business Risk Review FY2018 vs FY2019
Business Risk ReviewCreditorWatch

Court actions increased in FY2019 in comparison to FY2018

small business funding guidance
Credit ReportsFinance

More Resources to Support Small Business Growth Have Been Launched

Tax debt transparency back in Parliament

Tax Debt Transparency Back in Parliament

CreditorWatch Small Business Risk Review Industry Insights
Business Risk ReviewCredit Risk

The Riskiest Industries of Financial Year 2019

CreditorWatch Small Business Risk Review Q2 2019
Business Risk ReviewData

Small Business Risk Review Quarter 2, 2019 – What’s going on with NSW, SA and VIC?

KYC and AML Compliance
AML (Anti-Money Laundering)AUSTRAC

KYC and AML Compliance in a Nutshell

SBRR Q1, 2019
BankruptcyBusiness Risk Review

A Call for Due Diligence: Small Business Risk Review Q1 2019

CrewWatch Episode 2
Charity and CommunityCreditorWatch

CrewWatch: Episode 2 - Meet the Newbies

PPSR Round Table / PPSR Logic
Credit ManagementCredit Risk

Results from the PPS Registrar's Roundtable: How PPSRLogic fills the gap

improve credit management through data and technology
Credit ManagementCreditorWatch

Don’t fall behind: Improve your credit management through data and technology

Director Identification Number and modern data
ABR (Australian Business Review)ASIC

Legislation introduces Director Identification Numbers in push for modernising data

Ultimate Beneficial Owner
Credit ManagementProduct Updates

Identifying an Ultimate Beneficial Owner is Simple with CreditorWatch

Build your own credit report
Credit ManagementCredit Reports

Enhanced Credit Reporting

Payment Predictor
CreditorWatchProduct Updates

More Data Added to Payment Predictor


Introducing CrewWatch

Small Business Risk Review Quarter 4 2018
BankruptcyBusiness Risk Review

Small Business Risk Review Q4 2018: A concerning end to a mostly positive 2018

Apply Easy Credit Reassessment
ApplyEasyCredit Management

Review your customers annually with this ApplyEasy feature

AFSA (Australian Financial Security Authority)PPSR and PPSA

PPSR Insights: The Latest AFSA Data

PPSR Quarterly Statistics
AFSA (Australian Financial Security Authority)Data

PPSR Insights – The Numbers Say It All

Credit Enquiry
Credit ManagementCredit Risk

Credit Enquiries: Changes and Additional Features

CreditorWatch Abseil Team
Charity and CommunityCreditorWatch

CreditorWatch Reaches New Heights in Risk Reduction

Small Business Risk Review Q3 2018
Credit RiskCreditorWatch

A Positive Third Quarter for Australian Small Businesses

CreditorWatchDue Diligence

CreditorWatch Launches New Feature to Simplify Registering Defaults

PPSR Made Easy
ABN (Australian Business Number)ACN (Australian Company Number)

PPSA Made Easy - Webinar Recap

Illegal phoenix activity
BankruptcyCredit Risk

Stay ahead of costly phoenix activity

Small Business Risk Review Q2 2018
BankruptcyCash Flow

Avoid risk: Consider underlying trends challenging small business

Skill set empowerment for small business
Cash FlowCredit Risk

12 Easy Skill Set Tips to Empower Small Businesses

Credit ManagementCreditorWatch

PPSR Series Part 1: The Lowdown on PPSR

AFSA (Australian Financial Security Authority)Bankruptcy

CreditorWatch Roundtable Recap

Collect Debt Effectively - Without straining relationships
BankruptcyCredit Management

How to Collect Debt Effectively Without Straining Relationships

Cash FlowCredit Management

Transparency of tax default data is a win for small business

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