Patrick Coghlan

Patrick Coghlan
In 2010, Patrick became one of the three founding employees of CreditorWatch and has helped shape the business we see today. In December 2018, Patrick was appointed CEO and has driven CreditorWatch’s significant growth and innovative product offering.
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Published articles

Credit ManagementCreditorWatch

CreditorWatch wins three-year contract with Coface to support its credit insurance underwriting business

Whitepaper - How the manufacturing industry can strengthen the Australian economy

Whitepaper: How the manufacturing industry can strengthen the Australian economy

business man running from zombies

What are zombie companies and how do you identify them?

The dynamics of the Australian economy are rapidly changing
Business Risk IndexCOVID-19

The dynamics of the Australian economy are rapidly changing

The future of fintechs

Whitepaper: The Future of Fintechs - fintechs driving change in financial services

Riskscore Q&A
AutomationCredit Management

You Ask, We Answer: RiskScore Q&A

Small Business Risk Review Q4
Charity and CommunityCreditorWatch

Vinnies CEO Sleepout 2020

CreditorWatch -Vinnies CEO Sleepout
CEOCharity and Community

Why I am participating in the CEO Sleepout


2018 - Here's to another great year!

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