CreditorWatch End of Financial Year Whitepapers
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EOFY Survival Guide 2022

EOFY Survival Guide 2022

It’s EOFY 2022 and economic uncertainties are looming around every corner. Australia is experiencing inflation, rising interest rates, rising default rates, labour shortages, negative real wage growth and high fuel prices. The business landscape is characterised by increasing risks. Company insolvencies will continue to rise in 2022 and the road to recovery will be an uneven one.

How are you preparing your business for the new financial year?

It’s time to take stock and gear up! EOFY is the perfect opportunity to conduct an annual review, identify and mitigate risks, find new opportunities, and plan for the year ahead.

Here are some questions to ask yourself right now:

  • Are you making the most out of tax breaks and government incentives?
  • How are you protecting your assets and cash flow?
  • Are you working with any risky entities?
  • How are you managing your outstanding debts?
  • How are you planning for future growth?

We’ve prepared an EOFY Survival Guide which contains tips and tools to navigate current uncertainties. Get ready for the next financial year by learning how to review, protect and grow your business.

Download your free EOFY Survival Guide 2022 here.

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