CrewWatch Meet the Crew
2 mins read

Meet the Crew – Lewis Forrester, Business Development Manager (VIC)

  1. What do you do at CreditorWatch? I’m a Business Development Manager in our Victorian Corporate team.
  2. What made you want to join CreditorWatch? It’s a company that offers a massive chance to learn and grow professionally, and the product is amazing.
  1. What’s the biggest career lesson you’ve learnt so far? Consistency and perseverance are key!
  1. What was your first job? I was a floorboy at IGA (but in my career, I was a tech recruiter at Hays). 
  1. What are you most passionate about? Challenging myself to grow and keep learning. 
  1. Who or what is your biggest inspiration? My father – he’s always been a role model for me and is an incredibly resilient person. He’s also hilarious and doesn’t take things too seriously.
  1. If you could do another job for just one day, what would you do? I’d be a rock star. 
  1. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? What would you want to see? I’d go to Scotland, I’d want to see all my family, spend time in the Highlands (and plenty of pubs all around Edinburgh). 
  1. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know? I studied creative writing at uni because I wanted to be the next Stephen King as a kid.
Communications & Marketing Coordinator
Bridget joined CreditorWatch as Coordinator of Communications and Marketing in June 2021. She is passionate about developing and communicating content that assists businesses of all sizes to be supported and protected to grow.
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