CrewWatch Meet the Crew
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Meet the Crew: Michael Wang – Data Science Manager

Michael Wang

Welcome Michael Wang to the CreditorWatch crew!

  1. What do you do at CreditorWatch? Data Science Manager
  2. What made you want to join CreditorWatch? The vibrant culture and the opportunity to be part of CreditorWatch’s growth journey.
  3. What’s the biggest career lesson you’ve learnt so far? Don’t burn any bridges, the world is too small.
  4. What was your first job? Pizza boy at Domino’s.
  5. What are you most passionate about? Investing and Data Science.
  6. Who or what is your biggest inspiration? Isaac Newton for his brilliance and dedication to scientific process. Also because he lost most of his fortune in the South Sea bubble. This goes to show that the fickleness of financial markets spares no one.
  7. If you could do another job for just one day, what would you do? Professional footballer in English Premier League.
  8. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? What would you want to see? Pyramids of Giza, the last of the 7 wonders of the ancient world still standing. I love ancient history.
  9. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know? I’ve been brushing up my dance moves in hopes of making a Tik Tok debut. A bit late to the party but better late than never.
#meetthecrew CrewWatch NewsHub
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