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Credit Report

Summary Information

ABN 13 008 596 370
Registered Date
Entity Status Active
Entity Type Australian Private Company
GST Status Registered for GST (from 01-07-2000)
ABN Last Updated 02-09-2024
ACN 008 596 370
Registered Date 18-09-1984
Next Review Date 12-03-2025
Status Registered
Company Type Australian Proprietary Company
Class Limited By Shares
Regulator Australian Securities & Investments Commission
Previous State Number ACT CL00020880

ASIC Data - Directors / Addresses / Shareholdings

Search for information on a company, and identify directors with a history of running failed entities.

  • Director Details - Addresses & Date of Birth*
  • Cross Directorships*
  • Shareholders and Share Structure*
  • Company Addresses*
  • Company Status*

Risk Data

Recognise high risk indicators that could impact a company's ability to pay your invoices.

  • Payment defaults
  • Court actions
  • Insolvency notices
  • Mercantile (debt collection) enquiries
  • Critical ASIC documents

Credit Score

Safeguard trading decisions using statistically based credit scores to determine the level of risk associated with an entity.

  • Instant credit risk rating
  • Suggested trading recommendation
  • 12-month historical score

Payment Predictor

See how individual companies pay other suppliers to predict how they will pay you

  • 12-month historical trend
  • Payment insights
  • Credit exposure
  • Overdue amounts


Automated customer risk monitoring will alert you when a customer's circumstances changes. Alerts cover adverse changes such as payment defaults, court actions, director changes, financial distress and administrator appointments.

  • Respond to changes quickly
  • Add and remove customers as required
  • Receive alerts as they happen, 24/7

Historical Timeline

Identify positive and negative behavioural trends by reviewing an entity's historical timeline, detailing events from the registration date to present day.

Business Names

A registered business name is a trading name under which a person or entity carries on business or trades. A business name extract enables you to identify the entity carrying on a business under a business name and it's contact details.

85 Business Names

Lion-beer,spirits & Wine Pty LtdRegistered Name (Current)ASIC
Lion Nathan Australia Pty LtdMain Trading Name (Current)ABR
James Squire BreweryBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Fermentum Craft Beer CoBusiness Name (Current)ABR
James Squire BroadbeachBusiness Name (Current)ABR
James Squire South BrisbaneBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Little CreaturesBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Little Creatures BrewingBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Panhead BreweryBusiness Name (Current)ABR
The Charming SquireBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Malt Shovel BreweryBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Creatures' LoftBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Fremantle Harbour PropertiesBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Little World BeveragesBusiness Name (Current)ABR
White Rabbit BrewingBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Castlemaine PerkinsBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Creatures Next DoorBusiness Name (Current)ABR
James Boag BrewingBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Castlemaine ClubBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Bevy Brewing Co.Business Name (Current)ABR
Sonar RoomBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Lion AuBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Harbourside FreoBusiness Name (Current)ABR
J Boag & Son HoldingsBusiness Name (Current)ABR
J. Boag & SonBusiness Name (Current)ABR
J. Boag & Son GroupBusiness Name (Current)ABR
James Squire BrewhouseBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Premium Beer CompanyBusiness Name (Current)ABR
The Adelaide Bottle Co.Business Name (Current)ABR
Brunswick St Dining HallBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Little Creatures Dining HallBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Little Creatures GeelongBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Xxxx Ale HouseBusiness Name (Current)ABR
The South Australian Brewing CompanyBusiness Name (Current)ABR
The Swan Brewery CompanyBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Hahn Brewing CompanyBusiness Name (Current)ABR
TooheysBusiness Name (Current)ABR
HoptBusiness Name (Current)ABR
The Helm FremantleBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Malt ShovelBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Legendary Brewing Co.Business Name (Current)ABR
Lion Beer AustraliaBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Byron Bay BeveragesBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Byron Bay BreweryBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Byron Bay Brewing CoBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Eumundi BreweryBusiness Name (Current)ABR
MocuBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Modern Curations GalleryBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Lion Nathan AustraliaBusiness Name (Current)ABR
Bare Cove BeveragesBusiness Name (Current)ABR
RecycletasBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
TasrecycleBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
VicrecycleBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Habourside BarBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
RipwoodBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Enterprise BreweryBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Enterprise Brewery At ClareBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
James Squire BroadbeachBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Little Creatures BrewingBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
White Rabbit BreweryBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Tiny Mountain BreweryBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Roam Brewing Co.Business Name (Historical)ABR
Kosciuszko Brewing CompanyBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Barefoot BeveragesBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Mckenna DistillingBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Albert Park Hotel MelbourneBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Becks Real Beer Trading CompanyBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
YetimoBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Tooheys New BrewmastersBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
I Shop NakedBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Brewmasters Club - A Profit Making EnterprisesBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Great PeopleBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Great PartiesBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Brewers Beer GearBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Liquor-onlineBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
LiquorbizBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
LiquormallBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
My SourceBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Tooheys Premium Beer CompanyBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Lion Premium Beer CompanyBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Bitter And Twisted Brewing CompanyBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Snowy Mountain BreweryBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Blue Mountain BreweryBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Snowy River BreweryBusiness Name (Historical)ABR
Pepsi-cola Bottlers AustralasiaBusiness Name (Historical)ABR

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Trade with confidence and reduce credit risk by reviewing your customers and prospects today.