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Credit Report

Summary Information

Main Name GS Partners Pty Ltd26 OTHERS - CLICK TO VIEW ALL
ABN 77 115 858 083
Registered Date
Entity Status Cancelled (from 30-09-2008)
Entity Type Australian Private Company
GST Status Not currently registered for GST
ABN Last Updated 21-09-2010
ACN 115 858 083
Registered Date 19-08-2005
Deregistered Date 24-01-2010
Next Review Date 19-08-2010
Status Deregistered
Company Type Australian Proprietary Company
Class Limited By Shares
Regulator Australian Securities & Investments Commission

ASIC Data - Directors / Addresses / Shareholdings

Search for information on a company, and identify directors with a history of running failed entities.

  • Director Details - Addresses & Date of Birth*
  • Cross Directorships*
  • Shareholders and Share Structure*
  • Company Addresses*
  • Company Status*

Risk Data

Recognise high risk indicators that could impact a company's ability to pay your invoices.

  • Payment defaults
  • Court actions
  • Insolvency notices
  • Mercantile (debt collection) enquiries
  • Critical ASIC documents

Credit Score

Safeguard trading decisions using statistically based credit scores to determine the level of risk associated with an entity.

  • Instant credit risk rating
  • Suggested trading recommendation
  • 12-month historical score

Payment Predictor

See how individual companies pay other suppliers to predict how they will pay you

  • 12-month historical trend
  • Payment insights
  • Credit exposure
  • Overdue amounts


Automated customer risk monitoring will alert you when a customer's circumstances changes. Alerts cover adverse changes such as payment defaults, court actions, director changes, financial distress and administrator appointments.

  • Respond to changes quickly
  • Add and remove customers as required
  • Receive alerts as they happen, 24/7

Historical Timeline

Identify positive and negative behavioural trends by reviewing an entity's historical timeline, detailing events from the registration date to present day.

Business Names

A registered business name is a trading name under which a person or entity carries on business or trades. A business name extract enables you to identify the entity carrying on a business under a business name and it's contact details.

27 Business Names

Gs Partners Pty LtdRegistered Name (Current)ASIC
Gs Partners Pty LtdMain Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Air ServicesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Arastra ExplorationsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Aussie Ford FoalsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Aussie Strong Wools QldOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Aust. Nz Truffle FarmingOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Beach Oil (spain)Other Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Cash Logistics & SecurityOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Digrigs TimeshareOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Ecko TanksOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Feed Grain To FuelOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Fifty Prop InvestmentsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Gladstone Coal SearchOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Gore Land DealOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Gravity Search Surveys AustraliaOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners H2o X 2 UsesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Kovacs Links Plus InvestmentOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Mineral SandsOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Mitchenton Wines Distinguished Wines Riddock Estate WinesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners North Qld & N.t. BeefOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Nz Gr1 MaresOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Oyster Bay (nz) Wines - AustOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Q&t-no2Other Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Qld CottonOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Saadiyat Is. LeightonOther Trading Name (Current)ABR
Gs Partners Vendanta (uk) ResourcesOther Trading Name (Current)ABR

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Trade with confidence and reduce credit risk by reviewing your customers and prospects today.