Credit Management Insolvency Risk Management
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Fewer debtors taken to court in Q4 2017

Small Business Risk Review Q1 2017

Fewer businesses were taken to court over outstanding debt during the final three months of 2017 compared with the same period a year earlier, according to CreditorWatch’s latest quarterly Small Business Risk Review.


Four states saw a decline in the number of court actions taken against debtors in quarter four; namely, Queensland (-9%), NSW (-16%), Western Australia (-16%) and Victoria (-34%).  This was accompanied by a significant decrease in the value payment defaults across Australia (-70%) as well as a modest reduction in the number of cancelled unincorporated entities (-8%).


Although the value of court judgments declined in NSW (-7%), Western Australia (-16%) and Victoria (-34%), they rose significantly in Queensland (28%), indicating an increase in the number of large cases being tried against debtors. Court judgment amounts also rose significantly in South Australia (23%), where court actions remained at the same level as in quarter four of 2016.

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