2 mins read

From the CEO: Here’s to a great year!

It has been an incredible year to say the least. On behalf of the team at CreditorWatch, I would like to say that I am extremely proud of our progress as a company. We are growing and developing a bureau for every Australian business to access.

Whether your company is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange or you’re a sole trader operating out of your garage, our number one goal is to provide you with the most comprehensive and affordable credit risk information to reduce bad debt and get paid faster.

Preventing bad debt allows businesses to prosper. Lost funds, even the smallest amount, could have contributed towards hiring a new employee, paying off a loan or even throwing a staff Christmas party. When it all adds up, it hurts and we’re only glad that we can help lessen the emotional and financial impact that bad debtors have on a business.

Some notable achievements in 2017 saw us reach over 50,000 customers, expand our resources in development, and increase our sales team to better serve our customers across Australia. Come this Boxing Day, our brand will be seen sailing through the heads for the renowned Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, something I never anticipated when starting this business seven years ago. 

Such successes are a testament to our vigorous performance. What I’ve learnt time and again is that nothing is possible without an amazing team behind you. We have extremely talented and dedicated people working for CreditorWatch and I want to personally thank our Managing Director, Patrick Coghlan and Director of Innovation, Dale Hurley for all their hard work.

The new year will see our efforts focus on further developing and testing our products against the market. CreditorWatch welcomes the disclosure of tax debt information, a measurement the ATO are currently working to make legal in 2018. This data will not only enhance our reports but allow all businesses to trade with greater transparency. 

I would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe festive season. If there’s one New Year’s resolution that I can recommend to businesses, it’s to search, review, monitor and take action promptly. Here’s to a prosperous 2017 and an even better 2018 – Let’s make it the year of getting paid and on time.

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