2 mins read

Reports on the run: New Dashboard App gives small business owners greater visibility

Small business owners now have greater visibility of their business performance following the global launch of the new free Square Dashboard App.

Square, founded in 2009 with headquarters in San Francisco, has introduced a free app that gives small business owners access to real-time reporting and analytics about their business at the touch of a button.

Understanding small business owners’ need for mobility, users can log into their Square account on their iPhone and get a snapshot of their business performance.


According to Small Business Research conducted by Microsoft, Australian small business owners lose 250 productive work hours per year by not being able to progress work while away from the workplace.

Steve Lewis, Director, Mobile Devices, Australia & New Zealand told Microsoft “SMBs recognise that technology plays a key role in growing their business and being able to reclaim their unproductive time.”

Thomas Kelly, owner of Standing Room Coffee, which has two locations in Melbourne uses the Dashboard app to keep track of one location while working in the other.

“I check the Dashboard App at least twice a day, usually at midday and close to the end of the day, to see how the store is tracking,” Mr Kelly said.

“Using the Square Dashboard app encourages me to actually check my reports every hour and see how Royal Arcade is tracking. It’s helping me to be more mobile with how I manage my business, and now I can work from anywhere,” he said.


The Dashboard app allows business owners to monitor how the business is trading, see what’s selling and what’s not and view sales trends and comparisons among other unique features.

Square’s Australian Country Manager, Ben Pfisterer said “We’re excited to give Australian small business owners access to their real-time sales information on the go. The launch of the free Dashboard app provides them with the ability to run intelligently and grow by leveraging analytics tools that were previously made available only to large businesses.”

The app is now available for download in the App Store.

analysis Business Owner business performance business reporting Dashboard App mobility NewsHub square Square Dashboard App
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