
AKD Softwoods

AKD Softwoods employs PPSRLogic, unlocking seamless registrations with maximum efficiency.
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Paul Hicks, Credit Controller, AKD Softwoods

Since becoming a Creditorwatch customer, I have been very impressed by the innovation of the CW team.  They are constantly developing and introducing new solutions. PPSRLogic is one of these innovative developments.

When recently renewing T&Cs for our company we found the tool to be very useful in easily creating new PPSRs using templates. The time saving and reporting capabilities of the tool are brilliant. 

Probably the most impressive feature though, is that the product is supported by very knowledgeable and accessible PPSR experts.  They advise on processes and their willingness to answer all sorts of questions and help with the processes make, what is a fantastic tool, all the more useful. 

There is nothing else like this in the market, it is a brilliant tool in our credit risk management arsenal.

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