2 mins read

How keeping up with customer changes can save your business

Join our Portfolio Health Check Webinar on 22 June to see how you can quickly keep up to date with changes across your entire customer database with CreditorWatch.
Learning Outcomes

Customer details change. They move address, their business name changes, their credit rating drops or increases, and sometimes even close shop.

Changes to a customer’s details may change their level of risk, so you need to act accordingly to minimise your exposure.

How are you keeping up to date with all the changes across your customer base?

Watch our Portfolio Health Check Webinar to see how you can quickly keep up to date with changes across your entire customer database with CreditorWatch.


Dominic D'Andrea

Dominic D'Andrea

Key Account Consultant, CreditorWatch (Host)


Paul Mead

PPSR Specialist, CreditorWatch

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