Automation Credit Management CreditorWatch Collect Media Release
2 mins read

CreditorWatch launches automated receivables management solution to help Australian companies get paid faster

A man wearing glasses sits at a desk, engaged in a phone conversation

SYDNEY, Monday 7 November – Australia’s top commercial credit reporting bureau CreditorWatch has acquired Debtor Daddy Limited, an automated receivables management software and collections service provider.

CreditorWatch will market the automated receivables solution as ‘CreditorWatch Collect’ in Australia to help businesses get paid faster and with less effort through process automation, workflow tools and insights.

CreditorWatch Collect provides customers with:

  • Automation of best-practice accounts receivables processes to reduce manual work;
  • Built-in workflow tools to organise your team and maintain records;
  • Access to multiple communication channels to help businesses better communicate with their customers including email, sms and first party collections; and
  • An efficient, scalable collections process to empower businesses to collect more, with less resources.

The acquisition comes at a time when Australian businesses are focused on cash flow as they feel the pinch of supply chain disruptions, rising inflation and interest rates, labour shortages, high fuel costs, and global uncertainty.

In one of the most challenging and complex trading environments in decades, trade payment defaults, a key indicator for insolvencies, are surging, up 53% YoY, and the risk of default is expected to rise across the country during the next 12 months*.

Commenting on the launch of CreditorWatch Collect, CreditorWatch CEO Patrick Coghlan said: “The decision to launch CreditorWatch Collect was based on customer demand. Right now, cash flow is absolute king, and many Australian businesses are more concerned about cash flow than customer acquisition. They need to protect their existing business and ensure they are getting paid to remain profitable and stay in business.

CreditorWatch’s credit management solutions help businesses strengthen due diligence, mitigate risks and secure their cash flow. We provide exclusive credit risk insights, helping our customers make smarter decisions to protect themselves in this complex economy.”

Learn more about how CreditorWatch Collect can simplify your collections process here.

automated cash flow CreditorWatchcollect paidfaster
General Manager of Communication and Marketing
Mitchy is General Manager of Communications and Marketing at CreditorWatch. She is an expert communications specialist and with a special focus on media strategy to position businesses for maximum brand awareness and bottom line benefits, as well as positioning new and existing business leaders. From 2007 to April 2020 she was Head of Media & Corporate Communications for CoreLogic Australia & New Zealand and joined CreditorWatch in June 2020.
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