Charity and Community CreditorWatch News
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CreditorWatch Reaches New Heights in Risk Reduction

CreditorWatch Abseil Team

CreditorWatch reached new heights in risk reduction, but this time, it wasn’t credit related. This time, it ironically involved the risky endeavour of abseiling down a building to reduce the number of Australian young adults in crisis.

Very brave members of our Sydney CreditorWatch team participated in the 2018 Abseil for Youth. Suzie Berry, Stirling Streeter, Luke Demetriou, Adriana El Khouri, Aree Cohen and Alberto Cubeddu made their way down the 33-storey, 1 Market Street building in Sydney, relying on a harness, rope and courage. Some height conquering thrill-seekers even decided to make their descent down the 135-metre building face first!

The team participated in this event along with InfoTrack, LEAP and Sympli to fundraise for the Sir David Martin Foundation’s Triple Care Farm.  For the past couple of months, the team has been working hard to raise the funds. In addition, they visited the Triple Care Farm in the Southern Highlands, New South Wales to learn more about the foundation. They got to see first-hand how it is offering young adults who have struggled with addiction and mental health illnesses a second chance in life.  You can read more about the visit and Triple Care Farm here.

Each CreditorWatch team member successfully made their way down the building with no hiccups! Congratulations to them!

Their fundraising will still be open until December. If you would like to support this cause, please visit:

Photos from the day:


More articles like this: Visiting a Positive Fork in the Road for Struggling Young Australians

Abseil for youth CreditorWatch event Fundraising news NewsHub team teambuilding
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