Charity and Community CreditorWatch
3 mins read

International Women’s Day 2020 and Dignity Drive

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Happy International Women’s Day 

From our business to yours, Happy International Women’s Day! This year, the IWD theme is #EachforEqual. We all have a role in combating bias and promoting equality in everything we do.

We asked five of the awesome women at CreditorWatch what they thought about all things equality, empowerment and female leadership.


How do you celebrate your achievements and the achievements of other women?

I think it’s extremely important to celebrate all achievements for all of us, both men and women. However, I really believe in women supporting women and lifting each other up. Collectively I don’t think we celebrate enough, and we don’t highlight or identify how amazing we are as a gender.

Personally, myself and my close girlfriends yell each other’s achievements from the rooftop, and we have such a supportive, adoring group of independent women that have no fear in putting our own hand up and taking the kudos we deserve.

We compliment, support and drive each other to the next milestone we want to achieve. There are no limits. We all want to keep pushing at that glass ceiling – Laura Capstick, Operations Manager SYD

What can we do to build a gender equal world?

The biggest factor is that we need to work towards equal treatment for both genders, embrace the differences and make sure everyone is looked after in the same manner with the same respect – Mandy Mill, Finance and Operations Manager VIC

What’s your favourite piece of advice from another woman?

“Dominate Humbly” – Geo Antoinette Kwan

What does that mean?

Go 10X every day, compete with yourself to grow each day, be respectful, practise gratitude and go to bed knowing you did good – Dominate Humbly – Jody Kumar, Marketing Manager SYD

Why is International Women’s Day so important?

International Women’s Day is the day that globally celebrates the economic, political, social and cultural achievements of women. It highlights the progress made by women all over the world and the progress that is yet to be made.

It’s about unity, reflection, celebration and action.

I personally think everyone should be treated as an equal, no matter what their role is or how they contribute to an organisation; we have come so far, gender should not be an issue – Justine Cary, Executive Assistant and HR Manager SYD

How have you been empowered to succeed in your role?

The first thing that came to mind, for me, is having access to a gym membership. Maybe an unconventional answer, but honestly, going to a yoga class before work and a HIIT class after work has been amazing.

Generally keeping up my health, fitness and wellbeing has made me feel more myself and “empowered” – when I’m in the office or heading out to meet with clients – Grace Kulbe, Senior Business Development Manager VIC


CreditorWatch is supporting the Dignity Drive

During March, CreditorWatch are helping Share the Dignity end period poverty. The Dignity Drive collects donations of pads, tampons, period underwear and menstrual cups for women that are experiencing homelessness, escaping domestic violence or just need a helping hand.

All women deserve the right to their dignity no matter their circumstances. The CreditorWatch Sydney office is a collection point, as is Woolworths and other businesses around the country.

Learn how you can support the Dignity Drive here.

Find out more about the Dignity Drive

Dignity Drive

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