CreditorWatch CrewWatch News
< 1 min

Introducing CrewWatch


Learn more our company and innovative new products with CrewWatch

This year, we thought we would try something a little different. So, we are happy to announce the launch of the inaugural CrewWatch!

We are excited about the many changes, new products and features, growth and other happenings here at CreditorWatch and we are passionate about making things better for our customers.  Therefore, we have created CrewWatch – a fun way to share it all with you. The video updates will be led by our CEO, Patrick Coghlan.

CrewWatch updates will be shared once per month and will be different every time. You can expect Patrick to provide company and product updates, discuss industry related news and have discussions with staff, guests and clients.

Watch Episode 1 – Welcome to the New Year, which discusses the many exciting happenings of 2019 so far and what to expect in the coming weeks.

More articles like this: CrewWatch Episode 2: Meet the Newbies

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