CrewWatch Meet the Crew
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Meet the Crew – Emily Hema and Ada Aldea

Meet the Crew - Emily Hema and Ada Aldea

Meet Emily Hema

1. What do you do at CreditorWatch?

Business Development Manager in the Corporate team

2. What made you want to join CreditorWatch?

After working in recruitment for 3 years I was excited to sell a product that wasn’t a person and couldn’t change its mind! I was really impressed with the products at CreditorWatch and how they genuinely make an impact on businesses. 

3. What’s the biggest career lesson you’ve learnt so far?

Don’t take anything someone says on a cold call personally. 

4. What was your first job?

Working at Bakers Delight

5. What are you most passionate about?


6 Who or what is your biggest inspiration?  

So cheesy but probably my mum!

7. If you could do another job for just one day, what would you do?

To work at a doggy day care and play with dogs all day

8. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? What would you want to see?

I would love to travel to Ecuador and see the giant tortoises that live on the Galapagos Islands. 

9. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know

I’ve had the hiccups for three years straight. 

10. What is your favourite band?

Sticky Fingers

11. What is your favourite movie?

Pulp Fiction

12. What is your favourite food?  

Tacos or really any Mexican dish

13. If you could go to a concert of a band or singer (dead or alive) who would you see?


14. What is your favourite book?

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Meet Ada Aldea

1. What do you do at CreditorWatch? I am a Key Accounts BDM aka hunting new logos.

2. What made you want to join CreditorWatch? The product is great, and the interviews were quite fun.

3. What’s the biggest career lesson you’ve learnt so far? The world is a small place sometimes, always be helpful to everyone and it will come back around to you one day.

4. What was your first job? Summer internship in the SME loan application division for Crédit Agricole.

5. What are you most passionate about? The environment & food, education and safety access for everyone.

6. Who or what is your biggest inspiration? The Gates family for their efforts to improve the world. This quote from Eleanor Roosevelt always inspired me “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.

7. If you could do another job for just one day, what would you do? I would be a surgeon or president of a country (not picky which one, just one with enough GDP to make some actual changes in that one day).

8. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? What would you want to see? I would like to travel to Iceland to see the Aurora Borealis, or Tasmania to see Aurora Australis.

9. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know: I used to be terrified of dogs and now I am the biggest fan. I now have a German Sheppard mix & a Maltese mix. One loves the snow and the other loves the beach.

10. What is your favourite band? Don’t have one – I listen to anything.

11. What is your favourite movie? Interstellar

12. What is your favourite food? Hmmm I have to pick just one? Sounds unfair to all the other favourites I have. I will say anything chocolate is my weakness if that counts.

13 If you could go to a concert of a band or singer (dead or alive) who would you see? Great question. I would have loved to hear Nina Simone in a concert.

14. What is your favourite book? Again, just one seems unfair. I would say “The death and the Maiden” by Ariel Dorfman – also because there’s a great movie adaptation of this tiny book and classical string quartet by Schubert Alternatively, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Communications & Marketing Coordinator
Bridget joined CreditorWatch as Coordinator of Communications and Marketing in June 2021. She is passionate about developing and communicating content that assists businesses of all sizes to be supported and protected to grow.
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