CrewWatch Meet the Crew
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Meet the Crew: Justin Meyers – Head of Commercial Sales

Justin Meyer

Justin is CreditorWatch’s new Head of Commercial Sales, ensuring that customers and prospective customers unlock the value of CreditorWatch’s data and technology.

  1. What do you do at CreditorWatch? I see my role as helping CreditorWatch customers and their prospective customers unlock the value of our data and technology, ultimately mitigating unnecessary financial risk. At a more macro level, I truly feel we’re a huge contributor to enabling economic activity in a risk adverse way.
  2. What made you want to join CreditorWatch? Three things really stood out for me. The first are the people. It’s safe to say the CreditorWatch culture is unrivalled, with strong leadership, highly talented and ambitious teams and values that I can get behind (I love our motto, “How hard could it be?”). The second is our data. During my career, I’ve had the privilege of working with some great data assets and they can often be hard to extract value from. CreditorWatch’s combination of proprietary data and deep analytics expertise brings our data to life in an easy to consume way for customers of all sizes. And third is our technology. The pace and quality of innovation at CreditorWatch further enables the use of our data while we continue to expand our offering across the credit risk landscape for our vast customer base. A mix of talent, ambition and capability is really the summary for me.
  3. What’s the biggest career lesson you’ve learnt so far? It’s often the difficult times have been the biggest opportunities for personal growth. Recognising the tough times and having an open mind with a bit of resilience and a good support network seems to help.
  4. What was your first job? I had a paper route when I was in year 5-7. Living in Canada at the time, some mornings would be as cold as -50 Celsius!
  5. What are you most passionate about? Apart from my family, sport tends to be where I spend most of my spare time. I am best described as ‘all the gear, no idea’. I try new sports often which means my garage is full of equipment that gets used a lot for a short period of time and then collects dust! Ice hockey, surfing, triathlons, trail running are a few sports that have made the list in recent years.
  6. Who or what is your biggest inspiration? I am in awe of people who are at the top of their field and I’m really interested in the mindset that gets them there. A good example is someone like the Iron Cowboy who after completing 50 ironman distance triathlons in 50 states in 50 days then deciding to double it, completing 100 triathlons in 100 days. Very impressive stuff that of course takes skill but more than anything takes a tough yet vulnerable mind.
  7. If you could do another job for just one day, what would you do? Coach an Olympic level athlete. I don’t qualify so it might be an awkward day for the unlucky Olympian! For now I practice on my 5 year old son…
  8. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? What would you want to see? Like many, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen my family. Fortunately, I am reuniting with them later this month.
  9. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know? I played in a band in the later years of high school. I had terrible hair which at one point was white, red and black. I also used a hair straightener for good measure. #2004.
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Communications & Marketing Coordinator
Bridget joined CreditorWatch as Coordinator of Communications and Marketing in June 2021. She is passionate about developing and communicating content that assists businesses of all sizes to be supported and protected to grow.
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