Validate, Clear and Fill Gaps with your data


Health Check 

"A woman is holding a pen at her desk, with a tablet, coffee, and book.

Cleanse Your

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What’s hiding

in your data?

Staying on top of your data is easy when you’re starting out, but as your business grows and matures it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain comprehensive and up-to-date information on every customer you work with. 


Any customer or supplier database can contain outdated and inaccurate data. Making business decisions based on dirty data can lead to increased risk exposure for your business.


Accessing a Credit Health Check from CreditorWatch lets you validate, clean and fill gaps in your database, enabling more accurate insights and better business decisions. Book a demo on CreditorWatch’s Credit Health Check to clean up your customer database and become more informed about your risk exposure. 

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Stay on top of your database

What is a Credit Health Check?

CreditorWatch’s Credit Health Check provides a comprehensive review of your customers so you can validate their data, remove old and incorrect information, and identify high-risk businesses. Use extra details from our many data sources to gain insights and make better decisions – even when your database is thousands strong.

Man in office with paperwork

Identify Risky Customers

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Common Questions About Credit Health Checks

Once we level up your data, your Credit Health Check is visually presented in a CSV file with the original database alongside it. This allows you to easily cross-reference both files, or simply upload your new file straight into your accounting or ERP software.

An optional visual analysis of your database will help you dig into the detail and make the most of your new and improved dataset.

The Credit Health Check will analyse key areas such as:

  • Data clusters and segments within your database
  • Segments that present significant adverse data
  • The data matching strategy in conjunction with ASIC and ABR
  • A snapshot of the entities with adverse data
  • A breakdown of each adverse risk factor
  • The next steps you should consider next

Credit Health Checks can be used by multiple departments to cleanse databases, such as finance, procurement, credit risk, accounts payable and receivable, sales, and marketing.

Find out how this leading Australian company benefitted from a Credit Health Check in this case study.

Dirty data can lead to invalid reporting, incorrect financial modelling, communication breakdowns with customers and big decisions that are made on what you think are facts – but often aren’t.

A Credit Health Check cleans your data so you can work more efficiently, manage your credit risk better, and get a highly accurate base from which to grow your business.

Learn more about the importance of data cleansing in this blog post.

We recommend a Credit Health Check every year – a good rule of thumb is before the end of the financial year or before PPSR renewals.

Yes, you need to be an existing CreditorWatch customer to get access to this service. If you’re an existing customer, please get in touch with your account manager. If you’re not already with CreditorWatch, you can try for free now.