2 mins read

PPSR Protection During COVID-19 with Paul Mead and Terry Ledlin

How well is your business protected during COVID-19? Registering on the PPSR is vital during the current era of lockdowns and law changes, but it can be difficult to know how to do it right.
Learning Outcomes
  • Overview of the current PPSR market
  • Where are we now and what’s ahead?
  • Where are we going?
  • Reduction in government stimulus
  • Insolvency amendments ending (bankruptcy notices and stat demands)
  • Bank and landlord abatement/deferral ending
  • Creditor leniency reduction
  • How to protect yourself from the risks
  • Zombie businesses
  • “Walking dead” guarantors/directors
  • The general cost of living, increase in insurance premiums, “COVID-19 tax” etc
  • Particular industries at risk
  • Increased preference claims
  • Insolvency industry statistics worth knowing
  • Webinar Slides; https://go.creditorwatch.com.au/l/888193/2020-09-28/3cg8/888193/17793/Webinar_Slides___PPSA_Protection_During_COVID_19.pdf
Contributor to the CreditorWatch News Hub

Paul Mead

Business Development and PPSR specialist, CreditorWatch

Recovering from debtor breakup

Terry Ledlin

Special Counsel, Ledlin Lawyers

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