2 mins read

Practical Steps to Managing ATO Director Penalty Notices

Over the past two years, the ATO reduced the volume of actions taken against businesses in order to soften the economic blow during the pandemic.
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand what a DPN is, what it means for you and your business, and what to do (and how to know) if you are served one by the ATO
  • Understand warning letters and garnishee notices
  • Recognise the difference between non-lockdown and lockdown DPNs
  • Know who is liable, including liability of associates
  • Get practical tips and tricks to reduce the negative impact of a DPN
  • Discover what defences you may have in the event of a DPN
  • Webinar slides 
Webinar Slides
Contributor to the CreditorWatch News Hub
Michael Pollack

Michael Pollack

Head of Content, CreditorWatch

Prue Greenfield

Prue Greenfield

Principal Lawyer, Macpherson Kelley Lawyers

Alice Ruhe

Alice Ruhe

Partner, SMB Advisory

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