Credit Risk CreditorWatch Data Risk Management
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The power of CreditorWatch’s unique data

The power of CreditorWatch's unique data

At CreditorWatch, our unique data gives our customers a competitive edge. Our exclusive insights enable businesses, specifically small businesses to make smarter and more informed credit decisions and better manage risk, particularly in this COVID-impacted economy.

Quantity and diversity of data sources

More than 55,000 customers access and contribute financial data to CreditorWatch, making us the most used credit bureau in Australia. Our diverse customer base consists of entities of all sizes, operating across all states and industries, enabling us to acquire more data from a wide variety of sources. Not only do we have more commercial customers than our competitors combined, more than 90 per cent of them are exclusive to us. With access to information that can’t be obtained from any other bureau, our data offers the most comprehensive view of an entity’s credit risk.

Our customers have access to 50-plus public and private data sources. Our unique data includes payment defaults, mercantile enquiries, credit enquiries, transactional data, corporate ATB data, georisk and geodemographic data, and ATO tax default data. We also provide information on traditional adverse risk indicators like court actions, bankruptcies and insolvencies, obtained from public data sources like ASIC, ABR, Australian courts, AFSA and insolvency notices.

Exclusive SME trade payment data direct from Xero and MYOB

CreditorWatch is the only commercial credit bureau to gather SME trade payment data by integrating with Xero and MYOB. This is especially valuable as 90 per cent of Australian businesses are SMEs, representing the biggest source of credit risk data. SMEs are usually the first to experience a payment default as their debtors often prioritise ‘critical’ suppliers like banks and landlords. SME payment trends therefore often reveal early warning signs of entities that might be experiencing cash flow problems and business risk.

CreditorWatch has 11 million trade lines from corporate ATB uploads, Xero and MYOB integration. We get a much clearer picture of how a market gets paid and capture 35,000 unique payment defaults annually. By combining SME and corporate trade payment data, the depth and diversity of our insights are unparalleled.

Predictive risk insights with machine learning

CreditorWatch’s RiskScore is the most predictive company credit rating system in the market, helping you assess an entity’s creditworthiness and late payment risk. We use machine learning to calculate business demographic risk by looking at names, trends and identifying histories. Our georisk data also looks at the principal place of business and factors in where the highest failure rates of SMEs are.


Making an impact on the mercantile market

CreditorWatch helps mercantile agencies turnaround data quickly with instant reports and bulk datawashes for entity and bankruptcy status. We also work with hundreds of debt collectors who leave mercantile enquiries, helping to yield higher collection rates and alert our customers. Our API automatically pulls credit reports into debtor cards and our reporting suite features additional data like land title, skip tracing and location services which help expedite debt collection.


If you’d like to learn more about our unique data, check out this webinar or get in touch with one of our experts today.

COVID NewsHub RiskScore uniquedata
Matt Jackson
Chief Commercial Officer
Matt is CreditorWatch’s Chief Commercial Officer. He joined CreditorWatch in 2012 and has over 13 years of experience in the credit industry. Under Matt’s guidance, the CreditorWatch Sales and Account Management team has grown 100 per cent year on year in both employee size and revenue. Matt shares his knowledge, passion and enthusiasm with everyone he meets and has won multiple awards in the industry recognising his service.
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